
DallasCoog called me when I became a Life Member. I liked the plaques before 2000 or so that were wood and had Shasta on them. I couldn’t read my clear plaque very well.

I am looking to join the 46ers for this coming season. What’s the timeline on getting that paid?

The quality of the sport club booster gear has gone WAY down.
This year $500 got you a sleep shirt.
Not going to do that again next year.

Was your support based on the quality of the gear?

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Partially yes. I would at least like something that I could wear to the office or other cougar functions with the 46ers logo to promote membership in the 46ers to others.

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Fair enough. The gear has been pretty inconsistent from year to year. From a quality perspective that is.

I thought the whole purpose of the 46ers was to get stuff the football team needs and not to get cool stuff for the donor so he can show off he’s exclusive.

Why is it called 46ers?

First UH football team played in 1946.

Last year, it signified the end of most of our drives.

4th and 6



Mine, that left when CP got involved.

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I let the 46s go a couple of seasons back for reasons not worth going into now and allocated that money to an academic department. From time to time I’ve thought about rejoining. We’ll see.

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Was 46ers primarily a Herman thing?

Something else that Mack Rhoades got right?

It was started pre-Herman. I joined during the Sumlin years and I think it had been in place for some time before that. I still have the thank you note Tony Levine sent me when I renewed.

Jerry Portele & Craig Richard wanted to do something and get young guys involved. We set it up as a network marketing thing. If a guy wanted in he had to bring 4 with them and they needed to bring 4. It was $500 and we set it up as a fund that Coach could use for the program. Larry Jackson needed some stuff for the weight room and the group raise $13,000. All we asked in return was every quarter we would meet with coaches in a bar. Rob James owned the Pearl on Washington so we started there.

It was doing great until CP found out about it and wanted to control it. Thats when I walked away.


I’ll be honest… I think 46er events have gone down post Herman. Was a blast when he rolled into town. Goodies were nice, events were great. Made giving up $500 extra dollars fun and yea, you expect things for it because that’s how it was and you get used to that. Things took a turn and middle class me thought, man this isn’t worth it anymore. But I kept donating. And quietly complaining to my friends. This year is the 2nd year I joined the Dugout Club along with renewing my season tickets for baseball. Think i’ll hold off on the 46ers this time around. There are other ways to support athletics… Dugout Club… 50/50 Club, etc. People have different reasons for doing different things. And for the judgmental holy ones… personally I could care less who donates what and why. This is just my reason.