Abbott tests positive

Wow, if true , just wow !
They WILL then make better citizens in the future.

Dr. Vin Gupta



Quickly getting access to monoclonal antibody therapy when you’re the fully vaccinated, asymptomatic Governor of Texas shows just how anxious and scared


actually is of a virus that he constantly downplays. Hope Texans take note.


This is America. We never do things the easy way

Thoughts and prayers

I will point out the obvious. Let’s take out all affiliations. Can we do that?
We are on pace for two millions of illegals crossing the border.
How does it equate with human beings infecting other human beings?
How does it equate to the number of different covid variants?
The feds are not telling Governors where and when they relocate these two millions human beings.
How does this equate for medical planning?
Two millions crossing the border illegally.
How does that equate for potential terrorism?
The mainstream media border coverage is down 96% since March.
How does that equate for people to know what is going on?
Again remove all affiliations.

I thought this thread was about Covid, not immigration or utau pimp/rodent.


You just got to follow the lines

Because the brainwashed sheep believed their overlords and made COVID political. Its medical. If these guys were around in the 50’s we’d still have polio and mumps and measles.


I love the Astros. Watch them every night. I don’t understand why they struggle with sub 500 teams but I digress. We have 30,000 non mask wearing people going to baseball stadiums in every major city. We will have 70,000 non mask wearing NFL fans in every stadium every Sunday.

And as long those who chose not to get vaxxed or mask stay away from a hospital if they fall ill and accept the consequences of their choices I think that’s dandy. I only have a problem when these teenagers decide they need mommy and daddy to save them after digging their own hole. Sapping valuable resources from where they are needed, and because I’m a fair person we should certainly include drunk drivers, and smokers should go to the back of line for treatment as well. I say that as someone who had struggled like a mofo to quit.

It is about facts and consequences. You can choose to ignore it/them or not. That is your choice.

The plague which 99+% of the infected survive

Taking risks with your own health is one thing.

It’s something else entirely when you risk someone else’s health. I don’t see how that’s so hard to understand.

Also, we don’t put sick people out on the street in this country and hospitals are once again filling up and the biggest reason is that people are refusing the vaccine because you know, freedom.

It’s a mask and a shot in the arm, for God’s sake!!! How little do you want to do?

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Great, now half the country will drive slow in the left lane. Half will yell FREEDOM and the other half (like me) will *itch about it.

At some point someone’s gonna pull out a gun though

Well what’s the point of all of us carrying one if we aren’t going to use them? Answer me that? It’s not just for tiny wang compensation, I mean it helps but it had to be for more than that

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The plague which 99+% of the infected survive

That’s incorrect. Divide deaths by total cases and multiply by 100 to get percentage. Still yields about
1.7% . Still 17 times the seasonal flu mortality rate.
So survival is 98.3%. If hospitalized, survival is about 92%. And this doesn’t take into account long term health ailments.

And for those that compare infectious diseases to
automobile deaths(?) , its 12.4 per 100,000 or 0.012%

More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention.„

Well if they want to take away my freedom to drive they can pry my steering wheel from my cold, dead hands. I don’t have to be told how to drive. My driving habits are completely controlled by personal responsibility
and traffic safety laws, traffic cops, municipal traffic court, mandatory defensive driving classes, auto insurance premiums, advancements in automobile safety, errrrm
in other words TOTAL FREEDOM!

Come to think of it, why is our society so concerned about something that causes so few deaths? Traffic fatalities are like the flu


Just for you pardner