Convalescent plasma approved by the FDA

Understood. If some executive, or more likely sales exec utilized similar language in my profession, they would get their butt kicked in our little world.

Surprised he screwed up like that after listening to him over the past 1/2 year. But he did take the heat and correct himself.


He knew what he was saying. He succumbed to the pressure.


It was already being deployed for emergency use. That’s where the mayo clinic was getting the data from study they published. There was no clinical trial…it was an aggregation of data from the real world deployment of Convalescent plasma


The mistake he made was a rookie mistake and he knew it. It has been used for months, but no one really knows how helpful it may be. Of course people should try it if they are hospitalized, but the supply is limited and dependent on donations. People have been using it for months. I know two people who had covid and donate plasma for this purpose.

That isn’t the concerning issue many have. Calling it a “major break through” was a problem, and then citing the misleading % just comes off with the intent to please one person in particular who is needing a political win.


The FDA’s PR I posted here in this thread on 8/23 was very clear about that and what their scientists were basing their emergency use designation on and they were looking forward to future validation with what would be learned from a clinical trial.

It was his verbal words utilized in the PR conference, not their written.

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Oh yeah totally.

The big issue was the framing of the information and that a press conference was used to announce it at all. Most people are not going to read a study, but they will listen to soundbites from a public announcement taken out of context. That conference was done specifically to spin a narrative and he played right into it.


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Ugh…I have had questions this week from friends about the “Mayo break through”… most are bummed to learn it is not “mission accomplished “.

Thank God for free press and internet.

I guess they didn’t read the FDA’s press release. It was pretty clear exactly where they stood and the path forward.

I wish it was a far more unbiased than biased and the internet has plenty of issues as everyone knows. More information has nothing to do with quality and accurate information.

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Internet is only as biased as individual users let it be. Yes there is a lot of poor quality information out there, but that isn’t the issue. The lack of critical thinking skills is.


FDA’s stance is clear if you read. The press conference framed their stance differently. That’s why the conference itself was the issue.

A little bit at the press conference. He had more enthusiam than typical in his voice, and I only saw one wrong word or phrase he shouldn’t have said and most people probably didn’t understand the difference anyway and he corrected his word usage within 24 hours. Besides, nothing else downstream changed.

Which is an ocean full on inaccurate info being pushed by its many users with all kinds of agendas. Definitely a user beware of almost everything.

The exclusion of the limitations of the mayo clinic study was the big problem. It was framed as a formal study/trial but it was not once you actually read the mayo clinic findings.

Yes and people need to learn how to sift through the BS and also be aware of their own biases. Aziz Ansari called it out perfectly in his latest standup. You can convince yourself anything is true on the internet if you are not careful.

But the alternative is worse. Imagine if we didn’t have the ability to read the mayo clinic findings ourselves

On 8/24, he posted 12 tweets to clarify and re-clarify the FDA’s position, and the press release that he was responsible for approving was crystal clear and 100% accurate. Yes, he made a mistake with his over enthusiam and the one word he clarified on 8/24.

With how much he has clarifed his and the FDA’s position is very rare today. After all that, not sure why this is still being talked about.

He clarified himself because he got called out by the scientific community. Checks and balances at work

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In medicine one wrong word or phase can get someone killed or injured.

In the medical community…the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction is a big deal. One of my docs in the med center and I talked about it yesterday…he said that is the kind of mistake a new drug rep makes…not a trained doctor. Yes was getting a dig in at my industry.

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