It's time to get your butt in gear (Fertitta Center)

What section will the “big board” be near. I want to have seats where I can see it across instead of near it.

OK, I was incorrect. I had been of the understanding that one side would be bigger than the other. I’ve gotten clarification and both sides will have an equal sized board.

My mistake. Carry on.

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I have to say that in one of the panorama views someone posted, the video board on the south side appeared to be larger (height wise) than the one on the north side.

Not saying I am correct, just an observation.

OTOH…looking at the video again, it appears that the camera is just closer to the southside video board !!!

I wish “our” video board experts would send a concise schematic hour by hour report on where these boards will finally be located. C’mon People major decision makers
need this information to determine where to sit. Nothing has changed.:scream::wink:. So…when do we talk about the Palm Trees​:sunglasses:

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Both boards are the same size. I asked at the tour.

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Once they installed the seats later this month, we 'll get a great feel for the new arena.

I understood that they would start installing seats this month, but it could take 3 months to install them all.

when do we get to pick our seats?

Mid-July I was told when I made my deposit.


Nice!!! These new pics are looking great

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Video board testing today. Pretty cool.

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Bought tickets last night. We used to buy about 10 but the group dwindled over the years. We bought 4 up high. Allows us easy in and out. Zack in CP said the area we chose, short of the Club, had the best view. I like that we have first refusal for concerts for those seats. If you haven’t heard, there seems to be a lot of interest in bands wanting to play the facility. Big name bands. That option convinced one guy to buy.

Saw a lot of good shows in the Hof back in the day.

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