Latest NET ratings

Last OOC games
44 LSU
79 Saint Louis
37 Utah State
350 Choppin State
175 NJIT

Conference ranking by NET rating
14 Houston
28 Cincy
53 UConn
67 Temple
70 UCF
114 Tulsa
116 USF
124 Memphis
138 Wichita State
179 SMU
237 ECU
268 Tulane

Fortunately we only play Tulane once, unfortunately we play SMU and ECU twice and UConn only once.


Yes. I would happily split with Uconn to have them twice. Tulsa will end up much higher once they go through conference.

These rankings mean zero at this time of the year.

All rankings mean zero at this time of the year…

Rankings can get you better tv slots. That’s important.