Rice University president named board chair of group of the top U.S. research colleges

Rice University president named board chair of group of the top U.S. research colleges
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The prestigious group of North America’s top research universities selected Rice University President David Leebron chairman of its board of directors on Tuesday, making him responsible for representing the Association of American Universities to U.S. lawmakers on issues of higher education policy.

Leebron said he does not expect to play a role in new membership decisions, but that he would “be happy to sit down with President Khator or anyone else from Texas to talk about what their aspirations might be.”

Well, now this is an interesting development.

As I understand, three-fourths of existing members have to vote to approve any new AAU member, but perhaps this guy could be an advocate of sorts for UH, given his familiarity with us as a neighbor. He might convince a few people in that clique to give us a closer look.

My thoughts exactly.

