My first thought was…‘Blanks have casings too…that would fall all over the place. And given the size of the guns on those bad boys it could injure a lot of folks.’
But then I read that they actually don’t eject them. They hold them so the weight doesn’t shift to much while they’re flying (low often).
Lebanon allowed Hezbollah to rule the country and Hezbollah is dedicated to Israel’s destruction, so if war breaks out and Hezbollah is defeated and a provisional government is put in place, then at least there is a chance for Israel to live without threats from the northern border.
Israel is never going to cease to exist. If Israel’s existence is even threatened by a fraction beyond their own defense capabilities, USA will intervene in seconds along with NATO
You seem to think that merely existing is sufficient for Israel. I believe if you were existing under a daily threatening scenario, your world view would come into an entirely different focus.
Israel essentially is an extension of US military, sociopolitical and economic interests.
It doesn’t matter if it’s Jews or Martians that live in Israel - what matters is that the nation of Israel shares the same values as the United States and therefore receive tons of economic resources in return.
Israel will always be under threat because Radical Muslims hates Jews, but there’s also the fact that Radical Muslims also hate the west which they consider Israel to technically be a Western country by sheer proxy.
Arabian, non-ally countries use Palestine as an excuse to threaten Israel. That’s why they don’t want to accept Palestinians themselves because Palestine’s war against Israel is too beneficial for countries like Iran.
If a 2-state solution ever occurred, and I mean an actual 2-state solution where both Jews and Palestinians live in harmony while allowing Palestine to govern themselves with their own military, then Israel risks a potential inevitable invasion which is a threat to US interests. It has economic implications especially for natural resources like oil prices and production.
Israel is the 51st state of United States that happens to be located in the Middle East. It’s a police station to make sure things don’t get too crazy.
With that said, once oil and gas is no longer as relevant or in demand for that matter, then the United States’ support for Israel is probably going to start to be in question. If the Middle East no longer has an affect of a product like Oil, then the only thing Israel is really good for is stabilizing radical Islamic terrorism or nuclear defense, which I personally believe, is a good reason to continue supporting Israel.
Israel has already occupied southern Lebanon on and off for periods of time. It didn’t affect squat regarding the world. Because the world is made up sh-heads with an inferiority complex who hate them no matter what.
I’m glad the exploratory committee on live fire allowed the contrarians to voice their opinions. Although we lost the debate I feel better having participated in the process.
Hating Israel is essentially the same thing as hating the West.
If it was solely Israel that they hate, then 9/11 would’ve happened in Israel.
Palestine is just a proxy, and Israel is merely an extension of USA’s global interests. Jews just happen to inhabit Israel, and therefore, religion is an element of everything as well.
I agree with most of that. From a secular, political perspective you’re right. However, there is a more profound and underlying prejudice that percolates even in the west. The Jews knew this and that’s why their modern diaspora required them having their own homeland, rather than just emigrating to places like the US, Britain, France, and South America even.
Note: I’ve lived in Argentina and there is an irrational sub-strata of the population that hates Jews. Considering most Argentines trace their ancestors to Spain, Italy, and parts thereof it stands to reason that their ingrained insecurity was spawn in those regions.
Jews were kicked out of almost every society they’ve ever been in because they never shared the same values or beliefs, cultures, or just straight “you are different than us therefore we hate you”.
On the flip side, there are many people including Arabs who view Jews as oppressors because of what’s happening with Israel/Gaza.
It’s just an unwinnable situation, and poor societies (or any society that’s against Western American domination) is going to side against them including a country that is deeply embedded with western capitalism.
If the US allows an angry population of Palestine to thrive independently but alongside Israel, then you risk the inevitable for the entire Middle East region