2024 UH Portal Moves

UH can compete with any U when it comes to.recruitingbl as long as the field is level did it as an independent and in the SWC. To some extent in the AAC. We have always punched above our weight class.




The walk-on portion is obviously very surprising! :face_with_monocle::thinking: #NIL

Probably NIL. If can be a better deal than a scholarship for some.

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Tech offers a $25k+ base for all 120 rostered guys.


Well now we see why he was “let go”

Should have always been a DB. Just didn’t have the skills for WR.

For those wondering, MHP was forced out because he didn’t have a great spring. He was dealing with patella tendinitis pretty bad which caused him to not be able to finish some practices. He planned on getting the knee cleaned out in January, but tried to push thru the pain with a new staff here.

He was not offered an opportunity to get healthy nor a possible position switch if they felt it was needed. So again, he wanted to be a Cougar and willing to make a switch if they wanted that. They simply cut ties with him and told him to move on. He did everything right and finished the school year with a 3.0. It’s a business even to the ones that are/were loyal.

As far as Tech is concerned, they wanted him at WR but was full on that side so he made the decision to move over to DB. We are visiting tomorrow and if things check out, he will be a Raider. He still have some other things in the works as well.

I hope this clears the air on why he transferred.


Best of luck to him Sir.

  • for all employees plus benefits package and two weeks vacation

Saw some interviews with MHP. Articulate young man. I’m sorry to hear he has a lingering injury. All the best to him.


I’d hate to see him in a Raider uniform but best wishes while not playing against UH.
Can’t believe we couldn’t bring him along and wait for him to develop. Best of luck going forward


Wish him the best! Goodluck to him


UH future QB looking good :eyes:



What does it mean that he is a legacy QB?

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That’s the name of his school.



I thought the same thing. Trying to remember when he had a Henderson for a qb.

That stinks.


That is super lame in how that went down. I hope he gets healthy and gets back to where he needs to be.

Hard way to learn the business life lesson. You have to put yourself first, because the business, team, organization can’t or won’t. Even if it still all played out like this having that knee cleaned out now gets him healthy for the next phase. Best of luck to your son going forward.


I thought of Tom Henderson…The closest Tom got in college to UH was playing Juco ball at San Jac. But wait, he did go to UH. The University of Hawaii. Henderson won a NBA Championship with the Washington Bullets, and was a teammate of Elvin Hayes. Henderson finished his NBA career playing 4 years for the Houston Rockets.

UH # 8.
6 Big 12 teams.


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