AAA-rated commercial loan getting a -26% haircut — Just Brutal
Five lower-rated tranches wiped out
Hmmm…wasn’t this from May ?
And for current data on Blackstone…
Thanks. I vaguely remembered it but couldn’t find it.
Interesting stock to watch over the next 30-90 days…DJT/DJTWW. Not for the politics of it (well sorta but not in the way that’s typical) but to see how much further this massively over valued stock drops after 9/19 when the restrictions on insider selling are lifted.
I say “massively over valued” due to its price, even after recent falls is over a 1000 times not it’s per share earnings (which it has none since it loses money every quarter) but it’s per share revenue. That’s rare. It’s beyond meme stock value and basically an NFT at this point.
Most likely a lot of people holding shares are not investing in a traditional manner but supporters of his and I predict If he loses the election it will be a penny stock overnight…also would be interesting to see what would happen should he win.
Investors in the stock would be looked upon favorably by the administration, of course.
Seems I need one correction…some insiders can and have been selling already…
“While Trump isn’t able to start selling his shares yet, some other insiders have started shedding their stake in the company. Trump Media’s chief financial officer and treasurer, Phillip Juhan, disclosed last week he’s selling $1.9 million worth of stock, according to SEC filings. Trump Media’s general counsel, Scott Glabe, chief operating officer Andrew Northwall, and chief technology officer Vladimir Novachki each sold shares as well, according to Aug. 22 SEC filings. Devin Nunes, a former Republican congressman and Trump Media’s president and CEO, also sold off $632,000 worth of stock last Thursday.”
This volatility has been amazing (if you trade). I love it
As soon as London closed those buy algos kicked in
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