We are experimenting with advertising. Listen, nobody likes advertising, we understand that, but it’s the only way currently we are able to fund Cougar Pride.
We will be experimenting to make the ads as unobtrusive as possible as well as other revenue models.
It’s an ongoing process, but know we are trying to balance everything with the users’ in mind.
And unlike Scout, we now have a lot of control over the experience.
You have to make money to stay afloat, everyone should understand that and I have no problem with ads like on Scout. I would even click on some from time to time or the click bait things at the bottom that are attention grabbers. Works for me.
Red, I appreciate you saying that. Not everyone understands that as so many things are “free” on the internet. We are working on ways that will raise money, pay for hosting, and not annoy the users.
I get the ads. Was never willing to pay for the “premium” forums on those “corporate” boards. But on an independent site I’m much more willing to pay so that i don’t have banners. I’d rather give you a more stable income than those ads. I do though have a small complaint. That ad at the bottom was blocking some of the links. I understand it being there, just not it blocking content. Overall great job so far!