Just history, man. Forget the commentator. Just witness the documentation re the history. It’s just history. Nothing more.
I don’t get it.
Nor do I.
Are we missing something?
Fixed it I hope.
Fixed it I hope. Now recreating a response per coogfans.
Don’t know where the background graphics came from. Not part of the original program. But the content is accurate.
It’s missing the last 5-10 minutes.
But anyway it deserves a comment from just what I saw.
We need a dictator? wut itaf?
Rachel maddow is an insane conspiracy theorist. Not sure what the point of this thread is but nobody should ever take her seriously.
Lol this is schizo tier what is this
She has receipts of the non-fabricated variety.
She doesn’t speculate and doesn’t lie.
I’m sensing a made up excuse to ignore facts ala killing the messenger.
Yeah, the video is pure conspiracy.
Genius premise. Speaks to the legitimacy of your perspective, aka infantile projection. “I believe lies and in fantasy just like everyone else.”
Massive voter fraud. A university and a foundation. Got it.
I watched her a bit during the Russia thing, which was entirely made up. She constantly presented ‘evidence’ that was going to put trump away once and for all. Like bulletin board and yarn type stuff. Either she’s a schizo or her producers are peddling stuff to rile up people that are.
Got anything to support any of that other than your opinion like a quote or a link or an episode or a podcast or any kind of example of what you’re inferring?
Or should we just take your word for it?
There was a recent post re the republican led Senate Intelligence Committee and their findings on the relations and association between the Trump Campaign and Russia, including Manafort working with a Russian Intelligence operative. Sorry you missed on the post and ALL the findings of association revealed in their report.
Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee report. Oh those damn, conspiracy driven libs.
Interesting, i didn’t know the origins of going after Universities as communist indoctrination. Reminded me of so many posts by LegoLand Coog. It always weird to me when Coogfans are going off on how terrible colleges are.
Later the Video gets into the present and shows an interview with JV Dance. Its not subtle at all. He is clearly saying Conservatives aren’t going hard enough. The interviewer then says so what can we do, and JV lists Curtis Yarvin as having solutions. Curtis Yarvin - Wikipedia
Then we see clips of Yarvin calling for an American dictator…he says we should fire every government employee and take control of all the Universities and sell that land to the highest bidder.
This is the kind of stuff JD is consuming and believes is good ideas. Wake up people . @Coog51
the rhetoric isnt the problem, these guys really are a threat to democracy
JV Dance will do what Pence wouldn’t. If you are alright with that, then you are a problem for democracy.
This might be why some are trying so hard to claim we’re not a democracy
Excellent summary and insight, though their transgressions are beyond blatant.
The only democratic election that has been overturned is the Democratic primaries. Oh that is right Joe dropped out for the good of the country. What a selfless act.
Actually he followed the will of the people. And we voted Harris she was part of the ticket.
So any thoughts on who JD Vance is saying has the answers
Do you think someone running for VP should follow these views and think the solution to Americans problems is to install a dictator, fire all current Govt employees and take over the Universities? Is that what Conservatives want to stand for now. Because I’m hearing from that side is how JV is now the next leader of the party.
Do you feel better that Trump found a guy who will do what Pence wouldn’t?
Yeah ok whatever you say. Joe was forced out against his will and America knows it.
Now you could say that the primaries were a fraud to begin with because they withheld Joe’s cognitive condition from the American people. But either way the Dems look very sleezy.
I see you’re stuck on Biden and won’t actually answer the questions about JV or conservatives today?