Americans Have One Very Strange Cognitive Bias

Interesting, but I’d like to see how other countries compare to US. We are way off
on social identity issues, but is that uniquely American thing or partly a heterogeneous country factor ?

Good question. Would also be interesting to see how other countries answered those questions about us.

Is it cognitive bias or just plain ignorance?

As George Carlin said (paraphrasing), if you ever want to be really depressed, think about how dumb the average American is, and then consider that half of all Americans are dumber than that!


Black population according to official census is 13.2% not 12 so that data in that article is suspect on all its outputs.

I think the internet single handedly changed human civilization that no other invention ever has, at least from a social standpoint

Prior to the internet, it was very easy to ignore oddities or abnormalities with what was considered the status quo at any particular time, such as being aware of the population of particular minority groups

In the internet era, the almost exact opposite has happened, where even the smallest of the small minority groups sometimes appear to be more common the the majority minority groups.

It’s quite interesting.

Lol im here to tell yall that 1% of Americans ARE NOT transgender lmfao

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What are your sources that lead you to that conclusion?

a new Pew Research Center survey finds that 1.6% of U.S. adults are transgender or nonbinary – that is, their gender differs from the sex they were assigned at birth

Country founded by Puritans, religious fanatic’s, criminals and enslaver’s. That’s not made up, that’s the facts.

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And they turned the USA into the most powerful country the planet has ever seen.

I’m not the best student of history, but is America actually the greatest (or most powerful) empire of all time?