Ay thanks to Gov. Abbott, LG Patrick, Sen. Whitmire and Rep. Coleman for supporting UH's efforts to join the BIG 12

Getting the University of Houston into a Power Five athletic conference is a major objective of UH supporters.

Last week, Governor Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) tweeted the following: “Big 12 expansion is a non-starter unless it includes University of Houston. @UHouston

An hour later, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (@DanPatrick) tweeted: " I join with @GregAbbott_TX - any BIG 12 expansion must include @UHouston or NO DEAL!"

Texas Sen. John Whitmire (@whitmire_john) said: “I agree. Thank you @GregAbbott_TX for your leadership on this issue and for supporting @UHouston #GoCoogs

State Rep. Garnet Coleman (@GFColeman) said: “Big 12 expansion must include @UHouston. So glad to see all the support for UH today. #GoCoogs #HTownTakeover

I have personally talked to the governor and all of the above specifically about UH getting into the Big 12. I assure you that their support is sincere.

Right now, you and I need to show our appreciation for their position and support what they are doing.

Please send emails to each of these elected officials to show your support. Email addresses are below:

Gov. Greg Abbott: Contact | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: dan.patrick@ltgov.state.tx.us
Sen. John Whitmire: john.whitmire@senate.texas.gov
Rep. Garnet Coleman: district147.coleman@house.texas.gov

Welcome WIlson

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Will do it! thanks for those email addresses!

Have already done so. And thanks for the contact info provided by Welcome Wilson.

I have also sent a note to Paul Bettencourt (since I live in his senate district) requesting that he support UH in the same manner as well.

In the past Rep. Bill Callegari has been a strong UH supporter. His bachelor’s degree is from LSU but he went on to get a Master’s degree from UH and has been a proud UH supporter since then. I’ll try to get an email address for him so we can write and urge him to come out of retirement at least to speak on our behalf one more time.