Bio labs in Ukraine

Bad link Chris.

And what the heck is the anyway ?

Looks like another site filled with right wing propaganda. Why do you guys
go to such extremes looking for these “sources” just because you can’t accept reality ?

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Newsweek left, Pulse right. I don’t trust either.

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How far can a biological attack be detected from?

Not an expert on that, but it is usually suspected when a bunch of dead insects and animals start accumulating, and a lot of people start getting sick at once.

Or at least, that’s how we were trained.

Can’t say I have ever seen or experienced such an attack in person.

Anthrax and smallpox are considered the biggest threats. I received two smallpox and more than ten anthrax shots during my military career, as well as numerous other vaccines, so shots don’t scare me.

Had three COVID Moderna shots already. Won’t mind getting more.


Or when a novel virus emerges in a wet market near a lab…lol


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That is not ALLOWED here and could get you flagged and tarred. You are only
allowed to post things from biased sources (left or right ; there is no middle according to many here).


Can we get some of those with UH logos please?

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Without digging into it, why didn’t he underline the word prevention?


It takes that many years to get rid of soviet era bio weapons?

Yes. And convert the facility to legit one.

That is part of this effort to try to clean up those Soviet-era labs and make sure that nothing escapes from those labs. The U.S. has been very open about its involvement there, but what Russia does is they take that information, distort it, turn it around, and turn it into disinformation. And that is what has U.S. government officials concerned.

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Let’s see what Russia presents at the UN.

Interested in Rosemont Seneca and the part it played.

Mrs. undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland:
coogjazz reply:

Here’s the official red flag. Russia will use chemical weapons and blame the US and Ukrainians. Oh, they already are…

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17 years Coogjazz
17 years in a country that was in a conflict in 2014 and is again now.
Don’t you think the LOGIC would have been to destroy these labs as quickly/safely as possible instead of re-engineering these labs?
Who in their right mind would leave a match stick factory next to a fire?
Ukraine with war torn areas are the last place to have bio labs. It makes no safety sense.
So why have we been involved in these bio research labs since 2005?

Exactly like we said they would do (which has pretty much happened since the beginning of this thing).

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Follow the money…to Rosemont Seneca

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