Blake Joseph now head man at Magnolia West

Congrats to Joseph


Good for Blake!

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Not sure this was ever mentioned but…

I remember seeing or hearing that about Doty; I just can’t remember which board. But, I am happy for him also.

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It was on here when it was announced. Still, never hurts to remind folks.

Joseph had an absolute cannon for an arm.


Yep. His problem was he fired that cannon whether the receiver was 40 yards downfield or 7 yards. Could never get the touch right on the shorter passes and the receivers couldnt react in time.
Glad to here he is doing well. Best of luck to him.

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Ok I was in the Blake Joseph camp in the Blake v Case debate. I have rarely seen an arm like he had. But boy was I wrong and it underlines the real important characteristics of a college QB are the non measurable intangibles.

I am happy for Blake .


I was in the Case camp. Glad Joseph has landed on his feet with a coaching job!

I thought Blake threw a better ball but he had no touch. Case was the right choice.
Good luck Blake. A lot of great coaches have come out of Stephenville.

Blake’s uncles are head coaches at Katy & Aldine Davis