BOOM DB Ben Montgomery 2019 (update: decommitted)

Well, guess I was wrong…looks like he wanted to go in a different direction:

Everyone knows Yale runs a rogue program. Come on NCAA when are you going to reign in the outlaw programs like Yale.


Hats off to the kid.

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good for him. if we are going to lose a recruit, this is one of the few places that you can’t argue against

I love UH, but any person who gets an offer to an Ivy League school…can’t turn nose up at that. Congrats to the young man.


Ivy League is a great opportunity. Being on the team makes university entry relatively easier but that is all. Ivy League does not offer academic or athletic scholarships. But depending on parent’s financial situation, financial aid grants (do not have to be repaid) can be substantial and possibly make school free to the student.

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