Can we beat Oklahoma?

Those don’t involve dealing with the NCAA compliance, academics, etc.

As I said before, I wouldn’t want anyone who has never worked in a college athletics office hired as AD.

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yeah…those things are so minor compared to the benefits of what a strategic visionary would bring to the table in terms of marketing, alignment, coaching usage, NIL (which is new btw), outreach, game day experience, brand growth, etc.

He/She could have legal counsel to help with NCAA compliance issues…it is precedent…not creativity.

0-2 on stupid defense examples today, LAW

I don’t think that many would agree with you that hiring someone with no experience in an AD’s office would be a good idea.

You might be a bit of a “lone ranger” there.

And you know the saying…GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!


As for bad examples, even Kelvin Sampson says Fritz is the only guy that gets to the office earlier and works longer hours than he does.

So yeah…saying you want a coach that’s hungrier and is willing work longer hours than Fritz is a pretty bad example. You’re not likely to find one.


Just suppose…hypothetically,…UH DOES upset OU.

How big of an upset would that represent in the context of UH football history?

It would surely have to be one of the biggest of all time, right?

Sorry but THAT team that took the field Saturday against a G5 school that lost FIVE games last season did not look prepared.

CWF had the perfect opportunity to enter his UH Coaching with a W…he failed to do that.

Why? because he knew he had the luxury of a rebuild instead of I need to win every single game so I can bounce in 2-3 years.

That’s the young hungry coach difference i am talking about.

Herman HAD to win every game because he WANTED to win every game…there was NO REBUILD mindset

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If I’ve told ya once, I’ve told ya a thousand dang times.

EVERY NEW COACH…is entitled to, and pretty much always gets, ONE “freebie” sucky season when he first arrives.

Sampson got one…Fritz is getting/will get one.

Next year is when Fritz gets a true “come to Jesus” meeting.


I hope he does.

THIS CWF team looked prepared:

The cows have been paying players since forever and they still aren’t relevant.

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Before the season started, how many of you predicted a win over Oklahoma?

Last week probably didn’t change those predictions much…

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Lol sure we can. Just like I can go out and shoot 63 tomorrow. I’ve done it once before, which means I can do it again? Wait - I’ve only posted 5 rounds this year. Yeah. No chance.

We beat ‘em in academics and tomorrow we take em to the shed! Let’s Go!!!


Well Jury is still out.

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GO BACK TO THOSE UNIFORMS!!! My sweet nut why did we change??? The stripped sleeves and pants were awesome!

It might. Maybe alongside Michigan State in East Mugging.