Cannabis smoking and the oral biome

I remember we had a nice discussion about cannabis and its effects. Looks like some of the oral bacteria in cannabis smokers may contribute to neurological symptoms.

Researchers Receives $3.7M To Study Cannabis-Altered Oral Microorganisms’ Effect On Brain

DrBicuspid Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (1/17, Busch) reports, “Researchers from universities in South Carolina and North Carolina were awarded $3.7 million” from the National Institute on Drug Abuse “to explore further alterations that cannabis smoking makes to the community of microorganisms in the mouth and how those changes affect the brain.” The study is the first “to investigate the cannabis-altered oral microbiome and its effects on the brain, Dr. Wei Jiang, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina, said in a university press release dated January 12.”

Dimensions Of Dental Hygiene Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (1/15, Machado) reported, “Previously, the researchers found that smoking cannabis increased the presence of Actinomyces meyeri in the oral microbiome, an unusual finding.” The researchers “will continue their search to better understand why these bacteria proliferate in the mouths of cannabis smokers and their association with increased risk for neurological disease.”