Coachv Wins a minor lottery

Discovered my front yard is home to a crop of golden chanterelle mushrooms. $48/lb

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pics please, what do they look like?

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So you won, what, $5?

It isn’t the only one. Kinda like asparagus, you get some every day.

Who do you sell them to?


So the exact opposite of sex and marriage.

When you’re married, foreplay becomes 30 minutes of begging

Dude, I start dropping hints on Monday the weekend before….:sob:

I grew up in Brooklyn where the average house had a 2 x 4 front patch so to speak.

Lou, who ran the corner hardware store, would call that a fungus and had a dust covered can in the back to take care of that.

It would be a neighborhood catastrophe. Everyone on the block would be worried that it could spread to their little patch of the American dream.

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@coachv after a few hits…


Inside view of a unicorn fart.

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You’re thinking of the mushrooms that grow on cow patties, not suburban lawns.

Or so I’ve been told.