Comical vs. DMN

Disclaimer: I hate the DMN and I will never forgive them for the their selective investigations regarding the SWC.

However, as I have been going on the chron website lately for news on the Wuhan virus I’ve noted how absolutely superficial and shallow the chron interface is. It’s embarrassing, like a cross between a twitter magazine and a food periodical. Just egregious that a city of this import has to have one paper so incredibly juvenile.

The DMN, conversely seems to be more substantive, with the majority of links devoted to local news and developments. Just an overall more professional operation. Sad.

The news business needs competition. Having only one major news source in a metro area of roughly 6 million is awful. I didn’t like the Post that much but I wish they would have survived.

Rant concluded.

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Wait, you don’t think this is what you should see when pull up a newspaper’s website in the middle of everything going on in the world? Lol


Lol…dear Lord.

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If you look at the credits below the title lines of articles, you will find that a large per cent of the Chronicle are reprints from the New York Times, Assoicted Press, or wire services. The local news and some local interest stuff are the main work of actual staff writers.

I really didn’t see much news. Just what’s trending on the internet, which dog breeds can pour a beer, and what concert-goers are wearing in Stanford.

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