Do what you can... call friends/family/co-workers; INVITE...PROMOTE

With just over 2 weeks until the first game…

We need to be doing everything we can to get more people to buy in… It’s extremely important that we sell out vs OU

But if we can sell more season tickets, that’s even better…

I picked up some schedule cards from the Athletic Office, and have been dropping them off at various places around my community… Barbershop, Sports Bar, Coffee Shop, Gym… I just leave a stack a places I frequent.

Every little bit helps… #HtownTakeover


last I checked the NRG stadium had less than 600 seats left…how much promotion do we need to do for this…none. And if we were playing in the big 12 we would have multiple opportinnities to sell out a 50k+ seat TDecu stadium every year. Texas, OU, ok st, tech, tcu…maybe Baylor if they don’t fall of the edge after this season.

we would sell twice as many season tic too

Stubhub has over 3,200 available. Counts toward ticket sales but would look bad to see empty seats if not resold at the higher price being asked currently. Do stubhub tickets have a price drop closer to the game date? Asking because I don’t know.

Exactly… every BUTT IN SEAT counts!!!

We don’t want to even have the slightest appearance that this thing has available seats…

Nothing less than a loud, rowdy sold out home crowd for the Big12 to feast their eyes on…

Hopefully, we will be as loud as we were during the Peach Bowl… actually, we should aim to be even LOUDER! #1-0 #ChampsInTheStands

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The important thing is never calling it a sellout until game time so casual fans at least look to see what tickets are available the week before the game. It would also be good for those that have tickets but aren’t attending to unload the tickets early and cheap to UH supporters instead of leaving them up for grabs for OU fans.

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