Does Charity hinder capitalism

Looks like the dog whistles have worked as planned

They’re probably all getting welfare while driving Cadillacs too.

Classic rule
 If you’re explaining the other side had already won.


Here is the update from today 2/10/2021

Read the entire piece. They/the administration got caught. This phrase sums it up.

  • The Drug Policy Alliance said the decision to ‘remove pipes from safe smoking equipment is deeply disappointing’
    You can’t make that stuff up.

No compassion for drug addiction. We have to adopt capitalist policies that will end drug use and homelessness. Getting rid of compassion is the place to start.

I’d bet my left you know what that Fentynal test kits will be available at headshops or pharmacies, thats what the government should invest in. Cause like you think Cougardue, they are not gonna stop.

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Wait, is this real? Why?

Because in the 90s Crack became a code word

I feel sorry for drug addicts and their opioid problems. Crack heads on the other hand deserve no sympathy for their urban problem

Well ok but you have some strange head scratching posts


Speaking the truth brother! I think we need to use capitalism to get rid of failed captialists.

Anyone who fails at capitalism
obtains a DBA and never starts their business, starts a business and doesn’t show a min of 50% profit increases each year, or god forbid shutters their business before 10 years.

For the least egregious cases they should lose their citizenship and be shipped off to Cuba or China. In the worst cases, we can have bidding wars over who gets to tar and feather them. Then mulch their bodies and sell it to farmers for fertilizer. This will help boost the agricultural industry that socialists ruined with their subsidies and love for quinoa and hummus.

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Someone just had to write a report on Atlas Shrugged or was it The Fountain Head? Either way I hope I never have to read those boring books again. She was a way better interview than author.