All over NJ news actual videos of some pretty crazy stuff going on…
Aliens, Iran or our government… which one do you think it is?
All over NJ news actual videos of some pretty crazy stuff going on…
Aliens, Iran or our government… which one do you think it is?
I have friends in NY/NJ that have been posting their own videos for weeks… weird stuff going on.
Not just New Jersey there being seen all over the earth. China, Iran, UK etc etc. Iran tried shooting them down, no dice. U S. Tried using anti-drone tech, no effect. Personally I think we’re being observed ( by whom?) even more so, with the unstable geopolitical world wide situation.
Nice of them to put lights on the craft so we can all see them.
They’re losing their minds in Jersey… even sheriffs trying to track them with drones but they don’t show up on thermal imaging…
Some drone sitings are actually Censa and Piper airplanes. There is a hysteria building, if its a blinking light over head, ITS A DRONE.
But some of it is quite odd for sure.
That is insane!
There’s a news report about a sheriff that followed 50 of them in from the ocean in NJ… he flew the department drone to try to track them with thermal cameras and his drone couldn’t see them with thermal cameras.
These aren’t hobbyists…
Maybe… theyre UFOs until they’re not…
So there busy sweeping China, Iran other places throughout the globe, as well? Don’t think so. Who said there drones,? That’s the news media narrative. Don’t know what they are, how can you say what they are?
I buy it
The return of Orson Wells
I knew there was more to them Grey women than I thought. I dig the pink couch.
This might boost attendance at The Roswell UFO Museum.
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