Football ones are the answer. The connection is there and makes sense. Bball just reeks of cash grab.
I can’t wait to see the Astros multi stripe!!
I think Volleyball did it really well. I assume baseball and soccer will, too. I think basketball will eventually figure out that white with blue numbers looks a lot better at FC than blue uniforms.
Yes that’s the way. Did volleyball win that game?
Prob not the best poll… thread titled “Enough of the Blue Jerseys” may be a little hater concentrated compared to the gen pop, plus it was added later. Plus timing after a painful loss. Just don’t want haters to run with the 50/50 results I’m seeing. Also no “love them, wear them once per season” option.
A poll was asked for. So, I created a poll. You had absolutes, love them and hate them. That is unconditional Then we had the in-betweens.
I guess… would need a fresh thread with poll, prob during offseason, but no biggie
I love em, but prob only want to see once per year as alternates.
That rockets jersey is worse than ours… no red outline, goofy darker blue trim, weird red belt. Ours could’ve been done better for sure, but still a lot better than those rockets unis
lol at the volleyball uniforms. Baby blue, white and black… yuck!!
Fine, add some colors, but that’s just ugly
For hoops would go white shorts
Now we know why we have a deficit in the athletic budget. Buy some blue . . . . .
In reds, blues and orange/yellows
If we don’t have an identity after 98 years, some red and white jerseys are gonna get the job done.
Some of yall are just petty. The colors don’t determine how we play. If you are that superstitious then I have snake oil for sale that when used will bring you wealth.
I can tolerate them, but only wear them when the opponent color is not red. The blue and red mixture makes it look like there are a lot more Tech fans in the stadium.
Can you PM me?
All the players, end even some our new recruits said how much they love them. Based on the amount of blue in Fertitta, it is here to stay.