have a mother who high risk if gets Covid. Me and my dad who have had season tickets for 10+ years just felt couldn’t chance it. I was tempted and almost bought tickets for the BYU game but family health comes first. Hoping Covid gone month or two so can use my basketball season tickets. 10+ years of only missing 5 home games completely screwed up this year.


Never know who would be next …

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Tune looks great. He plays like that going forward he is the perfect QB for Dana’s system.

Where’s Vernon Maxwell when you need him to put the Utah people to bed

2020 has been a year. Hope all is well for you.

LOL… is that a threat. I just achieved respected status.

What was the unsportsmanlike penalty for on the 4th down. Anyone see exactly what happened?

Nifty Kickoff

Probably excessive celebration or taunting?

Staying home is probably the smart thing, this is football not worth the risk. However much we wish that stadium was filled with red, the more we reduce the infection rate the faster it could be.

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This is a great game up to this point. There are tremendous signs of improvement in areas where they were desperately needed.

Crossing fingers for second half.

Agree but isn’t it against Marquess of Queensbury rules for opposing fans to post on game threads during game action?

And we’re back on!!

You can block people on FB and Twitter

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ESPN’s photo of Wilson looks like an 8 year old flexing

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@averroes back open

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There’s a hold every time BYU bounces it outside. Maybe we’ll get one.

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Lost a yard!


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