Gas vs Electric Autos

Now if anybody wants to talk CRISPR-Cas systems, that is what I capstoned in. In fact, the first ever genetically modified pig heart using Cas proteins was successfully transplanted into a human today, and he is recovering. Which is nuts, because at UTMB-Galveston they were developing an entirely different approach to donor pig hearts. Truly facinating. For those who did not know, Baylor College of Medicine has an “advanced research” department who studies medical applications of CRISPR-Cas9, I applied a few weeks back. Truly a facinating time to be alive.


Source please. I see Texas STNP has

Units operational
2 × 1280 MW

That’s 1,280 MW each reactor.

Are you reading annual reactor output or something ??? I’m confused .

[Annual net output] = 21,612 GWh (2017) at an efficiency of 96.37% (2017), if anything he greatly underestimated. - per the wikapedia page you just linked

So you see the mistake , comparing 1 windmill rated capacity to annual
nuclear plant output.

No, I see an extremely efficient power plant south of Houston, that is reliable, and no I was not comparing it to a singular windmill but instead many.

Either way, I made a vow a few months back to reduce my KW usage per month, and it is working. I am shocked that conservation of energy is not discussed more amongst our youths, and our adults. You’d be shocked at the energy consumed of just a singular iphone being charged once a day for a year. Now imagine the A/C, imagine using your car for every last errand, imagine the xbox or you name it. We could be doing a lot more on our part that does not require tearing the current energy sector to shreads, and spending insane amount of tax dollars on a plan that (I hate to break it to you) might not even work. Just does not seem logical to my 31 year old self to use fossil fuels to transport a tanker ship across the atlantic ocean to import oil.

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Here is something that needs to be in this conversation before we move on, two months ago the Energy Secretary of the United States was questioned on how many barrels of oil does the US consume a day, and her response “I do not have that number in front of me, I’m sorry”. Let that sink in.

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Modern windmill has rated capacity of about 1.5 MW
Each STNP reactor has rated capacity of 1,280 MW
( note no “h” at the end)

Assuming 33% windmill operating efficiency, it takes about 2,560 windmills to produce
as much power as one reactor at STNP. And that’s a big number !

Now Texas has about 17,000 turbines !

Wind power in Texas, a portion of total energy in Texas, consists of over 150 wind farms , which together have a total nameplate capacity of over 30,000 MW (as of 2020).

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okay…and what does that have to do with this discussion ?


DannyCougar makes a great point. Let’s put someone in charge of these departments that are actually qualified. A political appointee does not make that appointee qualified to run a National agency.

Nuclear is dead. Get over it. Alaska Halibut and Washington Salmon are now seriously radioactive…

We had an actual nuclear physicist heading up the DOE a couple of administrations ago, but some in Texas were mad he wasn’t a petroleum engineer who sympathized with the O&G industry. So much depends on which side your bread is buttered, no?

Renewables won’t produce all the energy the world needs. At least not with the technologies we currently have to work with. Most of us would agree with this?

My condo association is pricing charging stations. So without knowing exactly where the upper boundary is for electric vehicles as a percentage of cars and trucks sold, enough are in people’s hands right now to require the infrastructure to conveniently charge batteries, We are getting to see chicken-or-the-egg play out in front of us.

These are “radioactive” statements care to explain?

I’d agree with that. Would need a breakthrough in nuclear fusion , battery, and green
hydrogen generation.

Going green is for the rich. The best thing you can do to save electricity in Houston is to get a 26 SEER a/c unit with a variable speed fan and computer controlled multi-room censors that adjust the humidity and temp precisely. And throw in some good insulation and triple pane argon gas filled windows. That’s why you get a tax break from the state if you upgrade your a/c or appliances. You think that all comes cheap? So go ahead and charge your iPhone more than once a day, its not saving you or anyone anything.
The old adage about it costing more to be poor is true.

I often wonder how much energy would be saved in summer if all the businesses that keep their thermostats in the 60s would raise them to 72. I am always amazed that I need a jacket so often in the summer at work places.

Maybe turbines could be used for coral reefs…

Norbert is mostly right. We can quibble over definition of rich, but I’ll share my
my 2020 vs 2021 summer peak usage, homes about 20 miles apart.

Old home, 1999 construction, single pane windows, roof ridge vents, std
insulation, no radiant barrier. : 1,750 kWh peak summ mo.

New home, dbl pane, 400 more square ft, 2 AC, spray foam,
fresh air, AC in attic, no ridge vents : 850 kWh peak summ mo.

Conclusion, new construction methods 2x better then 20 years ago. And I don’t have top of line
a/c system mentioned with multiroom sensors.

Interesting. But I wonder where he charged his car once he could get off the highway and how long it took.

I guess there was no wind during a winter storm. What a strange phenomenon!

I have a co-worker that has a Tesla. He says the high power charger can charge the car to 90% in 15 minutes. The 240V home charger is about 6 hours. I think there is a 120V charger that takes 72 hours.

I had a Volt (plug in hybrid) as a company car a few years ago. The company provided a 240V charger for home charging. Electric range was about 40 miles then the ICE kicked in. My usual commute was about 38 miles so didn’t fill up unless I was going out of town. Nice car but too small for company/client use.