Great News

We wanted to let you know that our subscribers and traffic have never been stronger. So much so that our host has bumped us up to another hosting plan. Yes that means more of an investment but we feel like it will pay off in the long run. We attribute to the hard work that our staff has put in to the migration and the content provided. The future will offer new features to the site that we don’t see right now. We think that we offer reasonable content for a small shop and a place to talk about all things UH. We are not perfect but we will get there. I want to thank you all for hanging in there with us because without you we don’t exist. So thank you! Please visit our sponsors and support them when you have a chance.

Go Coogs! staff


Thanks for putting this site together. I’m not on any of the other boards, but this one provides everything I need and want. Keep up the great work!


Hopefully basketball will force you to go to an even higher plan. That day is coming.

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Awesome! Keep up the great work.

Edit to add: Guys, is there a way to donate to the cause; or would your rather us just continue supporting the sponsors?

This is great! GO Coogs!

I no longer visit TOS
Great job keep up the good work


This site includes forums which others do not. One which I really like is “Academic Excellence”. Plan to support it more as time allows.

I havent posted in TOS in months.
No reason to go there.
That turd of an admin lets the trolls carry on for weeks to get traffic.

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No kidding. I think there may be as many trolls there as there are legitimate Coog fans.

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Thank you gents. Please message me about donations.

This is great, good to be back with the ONLY CoogsFans site… Keep up the good work!!!


I transitioned over to this site this past week and like it a lot. The other site I came from is dead and covered with ads that drove me nuts.

This site is simple to navigate and doesn’t have a bunch of ads that drive you crazy. Keep up the good work!


Thank you and welcome guys.

Does this mean the Ritz ads will be action shots now?

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