Heartland: Portal Winners and Losers

I think Mack was injured much of last season. I’m hoping he’ll be really good this year.


You know he’ll have a chore ahead of him mastering the 3rd/4th and short run it up the middle call. Good luck with that CWF.

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The ultimate neutralizer to having great receivers was Holgy running the offense. He did an embarrassingly poor job of getting our top play makers the ball in space. Take that with HS level running game philosophy and you can see how much coaching has affected us on that side of the ball. When we had Manjack, Brown and Golden we had three receivers capable of playing on Sundays. Brown is a bit of a head case but t the lack of those guys being able to dominate games fell on the OC and QB throwing it to them.
I think we will find some guys who can move the chains and stretch the field.

As I mentioned with the run game. On top of having a very basic method to trying to run the ball, we had a HC who refused to put a difference-maker like Jenkins down the stretch of games.


One of the points of frustration the last 5 seasons was the announcers referring to Holgo as an “Offensive Genius”, really?


Offensive numbers were consistently pretty alright. At least good enough to win. 4th and mile type stuff gave us no chance. Defense was garbage.

Forcing the running play up the middle when it wasn’t there was the reason why our offense sucked under Holgy.


“Offensive Genius” as in displeasing genius.

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Also. This article makes zero sense. We are near the 85 man limit right now. If we didn’t lose 15 guys then we would have been over. This guy just does math with zero context.

Complete and utter joke of a comment.HS offenses were more complex and difficult to read for defenses.

We scored 30ish points a game before the first b12 season. That’s decent. Defense lost us games so many times giving up huge yardage on 4th down etc. Defense was by far the biggest problem.

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I don’t need to look at points scored to know what a joke it was. We scored against rice by the end of a game and literally took ourselves off the field every time the first half.

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3rd or 4th and long on defense was almost a guaranteed conversion the last few season. I had more confidence in our defenses ability to stop a short yardage 3rd down.

As far as the offense is concerned, I have never played football in my life but I could tell when we were running the ball and to what side most of the time. Now if I could do that, I imagine everyone on the field knew what was coming.

Its going to take Fritz a few years but he will turn things around.


As of today we have 33 outgoing and 26 incoming. Of the 33 outgoing, 14 have not landed anywhere, 8 are going to P4 schools, 11 are going to G5 or FCS schools.

Of the 26 incoming players 9 are from P4 schools and 17 from G5 schools.

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