Iran attacks Israel

Obviously we need to do all we can to prevent Iran from getting nukes.

Hopefully they don’t get nukes despite that.

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Glad that’s OBVIOUS to EVERYBODY now…

In my opinion we, meaning the world, should try to keep nukes out of the hands of regimes that are lead by religious doctrine just as a general rule of thumb.


So you’re ok with China Russia and North Korea?

I’m more okay with them than regimes that are guided solely by their insane religious beliefs.

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I work for a company headquartered in Beijing…

I think our economies are way too intertwined for them to pop off like that… as Russia is learning.

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There’s nothing that can be done about them at this point.

Hopefully we can still affect Iran.

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It really depends on how Israel responds. Do they go after Irans Nuclear or Oil fields.

Hopefully Isreal uses this latest confrontation to take out Irans Nuclear capability.

Doubt it’ll go that far, but we’ll see.

Bomb the nuclear fields

Nuclear or Oil fields

So when was Iran ever a democracy?

Prevention is a lot easier than taking away.

How about both

i would take out thier Nuclear. Oil never hurt anyone.

They briefly elected a Democratic government under Mohammed Mossadegh from 1951-1953.

He ticked off a lot of people, caused some economic hardship, and then became too close to the Communists (Tudeh Party, though not personally a member) and was overthrown in a popular uprising that the CIA and British intelligence both provided some assistance to. The shah Pahlavi family came back into power at that point.

Some “Blame America First” types like to use that as proof that the USA assisted in the rise of the Ayatollahs and terrorism based on that.

That’s silly for two reasons:

  1. the overthrow of Mossadegh was actually a popular uprising; the CIA’s role was minimal, limited to bribing some officials and paying off protestors, AND….

  2. the subsequent overthrow of the shah was by people who installed an even more brutal and repressive dictatorship (the Ayatollahs), and not a democracy; certainly the USA is not to blame for their religious extremism.

Incidentally, Mossadegh is not regarded as a hero by any Iranian that I’ve met.

Who on Coogfans had that position? I know it wasn’t me.

Quoting P Diddy?

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Even off Coogfans, i know of no one having a pro Iran nuclear weapon stance

They know who they are… not you.