Joseph Duarte and Sam Khan on Periscope yesterday

The two did a quick chat on Periscope for about half an hour. Sounds like they’ll keep doing it during the season: Joseph Duarte: "Talking Houston football with's Sam Khan Jr."

Talk about the feeling around training camp, expectations, Greg Ward and the Heisman, concerns going into the season (RB depth), DB talk, Ed Oliver, other freshmen, Catalon, expansion talk (Joseph mentions that UH had to sign a confidentiality agreement), facilities, Herman’s future, and the punter battle. Good stuff.

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Confidentiality agreement?? wow, pretty strong stuff…Thats what a future member would sign to promise silence until league makes formal announcement…

That was well worth watching. It was great to have Khan back talking about them Cougars. Since he’s not blowing up his Twitter account with A&M news I can follow him again.

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All candidates are under an NDA with the Big12.

Great clip, but the beginning of it with the webcam trouble reminds me of the Internship!