Jurassic Park/World Movies

Anytime there isn’t a game on that I want to watch and I notice FX is playing one of the Jurassic movies, I always put it on while I do chores, scroll my phone, etc. My wife of 15 years thinks I have a problem and need to stop watching them. Fellow coogs, is my wife right? Do any of you have a movie or movie series you do this with?

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Tombstone. It’s a must for me to watch it if it’s on even though I own a copy.

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The original Jurassic Park will always be one of my all time favorite movies and will never be a bad choice for anything.

You do you, my man.



I don’t really watch a lot of tv. But I do have it on in the background often. And…

Star Wars
Shawshank Redemption
Guardians of the Galaxy
Planet of the Apes
That Thing You Do

…when those are “volunteered” to me, I will stop down and watch them for the hundredth time. Not sure why. Just like them!


I saw JP in the theaters, at River Oaks Odeon, at midnight. WOW, it was such a ground breaking movie at the time. No stop motion. I heard people in the theater saying they must have used real dinosaurs. I have it on 4k disc and still watch it from time to time as well. One of my all time favorites! Kids today don’t think its a big deal because they don’t have context, but at the time it was crazy what they did with computer animation.

I’ve been known to leave it on when they run the Back to the Future movies all day. For my wife, it’s Harry Potter movies, except Goblet of Fire which we agree is terrible and unwatchable.

The other night Super Troopers was on, so I passively watched until the news came on. I’ll generally always stop on anything Broken Lizard made. Same thing with Kevin Smith movies, even though I’ve seen them all many times.

Love a good rewatchable. They are kinda gone for me as I don’t flip channels anymore. The streaming world took this away.

Here are several that I would have stopped if I saw it on.

Major League
A league of their own
The sandlot
The Replacements
Any given Sunday
Remember the titans
Princess Bride
Ferris Bueller’s day off
10 things I hate about you
Can’t hardly wait
Pineapple Express
Old School
Anchor man

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Good against evil. 10+ ways to get a scholarship. Club’s etiquette. Accepting that not all are the same. Should have won multiple oscars.

i’m out on all the movie franchises.

jurassic 2 was my last jurassic, still hadnt seen star wars solo and endgame was my last superhero movie, hadnt seen flash and i was a flash fan as a kid. hollywood be creative, make something new !

war movies still work on me, thats it.

Lately it’s been ‘Ghost Town’, John Carpenter’sVampires’ & ‘Ghosts of Mars’ because PlutoTV has been playing them often.

Jurassic 1 and Jurassic 3 are some of my favorite movies.

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