List of Politicians/Admins Throwing Support Behind UH

Greg Abbott
Dan Patrick
Garnett Coleman
John Whitmire
Greg Fenves (UTA-President)
Bill McRaven (UT Chancellor)
Red McCombs

Add anybody I’m forgetting.

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Mayor Sylvester Turner!

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Where the hell is TTech? Tick tock.

where is Tech?? They are home, demonstrating their opinions mean very little in Big 12 world, THATS where!! :slight_smile:

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Everyone is for us even Sis Pedersen from Denmark

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Jessica Farrar, State rep.
Gene Green, US rep, both UH grads

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Significant numbers of fans from Arizona State and Wichita State were recently seen showing massive support, giving the “Cougar Paw” gesture at their home games in several sports.

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UT support and UTH must be tied together.

If we are tying UT-H in as part of the deal (which I don’t think it should be) then it needs to be conditional with us actually getting into the Big XII. No way we should limit it just to UT support. I am confident that our leadership has that covered.

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as well as some kind of a deal that if the big 12 does dissolve in a few years or something happens the way the Big East did, that we are included or have the support of UT for the next phase of realignment.

This is a great photo op for SJL. Where is she?Normally she is like a moth to light when she has an opportunity to get in front of a camera or microphone and talk about the down trotted.

I don’t agree with her politics, but she supports the H which I’m very appreciative of.

OPPs - trodden.

Given recent events I thought I would bring this back to the top.

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