Magnetic North Pole Shifts in an 'Unprecedented' Ways Never Seen Before by Scientists

Something else to be concerned about, along with Apophis Asteroid hitting us, along with collapsing ocean currents due to global climate change, and possible Nuclear Armageddon.

Don’t sell it short, we could do supervolcanoes too. Albeit those might be the least likely, but possibly the most fun cataclysm.

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Considering in all of human history we and our ancestors never experienced a polar shift ever According to AI ( it will be cataclysmic) we are closer to shift of the magnetic field from a few months to possibly a few years (if lucky) according to the AI I consulted based on the data in that science article . Scientist aren’t telling the significant events that will take place when this happens. But you can ferret it out, just consult AI, I used Claude. We’re in trouble. To say the least. Going back to Thailand ( before the aviation system is shutdown due to this event that’s about to happen) to be with my wife ended all business here I been attending to. If you believe in the power of prayer I suggest you , we all do a lot of it.

Doesn’t anyone notice that every one of these stories includes “on record” or “that scientists have seen” or some similar caveat?

Science the way we think of it dates to the late 1600s, and consistent global records (i.e. not just London or Paris) are only available and standardized since WWII.

This isn’t to say that the concerning trends and phenomena aren’t happening, but some critical thinking needs to go into reading some of the more catastrophic portrayals of scientific observations.


It’s only a little gash folks, said the Captain on the Titanic, after striking the iceberg. :rofl:

Seems the main concern is updating navigation devices…

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The poles aren’t flipping, they are just moving.

But they have always moved.


NASA says no chance for a minimum of 100 years.

The collapse of the Atlantic Meridonial Overturning Circulation (AMOC) - the ocean mechanism responsible for moving heat around the planet - could lead to “devastating and irreversible impacts” for countries around the world

AMOC: Atlantic current collapse 'closer than we think' - Oceanographic’%20time%2C%20in%202057.

Are we reading 2 different science articles here? It says unprecedented. Never seen before period. It’s going to cause a few more problems than your GPS, cell phone (like earth changes earthquakes, tsunamis etc) not working. That’s not what being told. Why you think they’ve created vaults in mountains in Norway the Svalbard Global Seed Vault , called the “Doomsday Vault” (can’t make this stuff up) for storage of all manner of agriculture plant seeds. Last folks to know will be the general public, but what can you do besides bend over and kiss your arse good bye when time comes.:rofl:

If you want to worry about magnetic poles shifting…I am cool with it.

I suspect 6 months from now is going to look a lot like today.


I’m not worried it’s the scientist who are, it seems according to that article . None of of us have any control over mother earth she is going to do her thing regardless of what we believe or not. Just hug your loved ones everyday and let them know you love and appreciate them and just live.

It’s unprecedented from the perspective of humans who have the ability to notice or measure the earth’s magnetic field.

There was a period in the Triassic when it rained for 2 million years…everywhere. Human civilization would struggle with that, but here the earth still is.

There was a major portion of the Cretaceous that was an average of 5°c warmer than now, and it was the greatest period of biodiversity in the paleontological record. Here the earth still is.

Sometimes change isn’t good or bad, it’s just change. Those who are willing to adapt will survive, those who demand to keep things at an arbitrary status might survive too, but they will create unnecessary heartburn for themselves.


The Earth has destroyed itself…what, at least 7 times already?

Only to rebuild itself with a new ecosystem, new species and new land formations.

No super-event imaginable is more terrifying than a bad ayahuasca trip. I speak from experience. Imagine sinkholes erupting as far as the eye can see complimented by flying yetis and Michael Saylor on every TV 24 hours a day.

There seems to be an obsession with dystopian fantasy futures. From climate, to politics, to now magnetic polls and asteroids.

If you listen to the people trying to scare you, you will be convinced that in 10 years you will be experiencing 120 degree days in December which will make it very uncomfortable to goose step in your SS uniform while avoiding asteroids. You won’t be able to tell north from south but it won’t really matter because you are probably dying from a bad case of the Monkey pox, which you caught going to the doctors office for the Bird Flu.

Come on people, tomorrow is going to look a lot like today.


I think a lot of people know climate change is real and is happening, but it’s just too much of an inconvenience to care about it.

People have bills to pay. Kids to feed. They don’t have the means to care about the environment especially when the wealthy 1% aren’t doing much themselves to fix it

The masses won’t care about climate change until it starts to affect them personally. Right now, aside from hotter temperatures and more aggressive weather patterns that are clearly apparent by most scientists, it still hasn’t affected the economy. However, when that starts to happen within the next couple of decades, then people will start caring about it

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Climate change is real and it is happening but making wild dystopian predictions about what is going to happen gives people all the ammunition they need to deny it. We need to stop doing that.

You can’t scare people into submission. Two weeks ago that became imminently clear. People call your bluff.

The reality of climate change is that it is real and we should be moving towards decarbonization to the best of our abilities and if it makes sense. The other reality of climate change is that there is a ton that we don’t know and we don’t know what the outcome is going to be. If you treat people like adults they will act like adults. If you tell people scary bedtime stories because you think you have to, they will call your bluff and you will forever lose their faith in you.

The great thing about humans is that we come up with ingenious solutions. That is why linear progression perditions normally are wrong because it doesn’t take into account this supernatural ability that humans have to come up with solutions. We also have a supernatural ability to F things up through hubris.

We will figure out decarbonization. I think we are very close to that. As big of an issue is the western United States is running out of water. To me that is the imminent crisis. That is partially climate related and way more agricultural related.

Guys, the board owner made it very clear what was permissible and not. Climate change was specifically called out as not.

Please respect that. Some are continually testing the lines. That’s not ok.

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Is that still a pinned rule or has it been relaxed post election ? I went to look and did not see it.