Oklahoma destroying West Va in first half

Yet Oklahoma will remain ranked ahead of us. Oklahoma winning helps us, but rankings are screwy.

28-0 with 10 left in the 2nd. Home WV crowd booing.

OU can only move to #8 since Louisville lost UNLESS they only move the cards down a few slots and OU remains at #9.

Washington is winning Wisconsin has already won and PennSt is currently winning so OU really cannot go anywhere but stay at #9 or move up one spot.

What is hurting them is their two loss record.

The mt’neers look like they can’t play in cold weather while the sooners look like polar bears and suited well for the frigid conditions

34 - zip … turn out the lights … send the fans home … this game is done put ah folk in it … (trying to jinks the sooners after I jinked the horns … :wink:) … its really over the Davy Crocketts never showed up … :sunglasses:

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