Out of town Coogs... where you at?

You heard about the Chicago Fire (MLS) right?

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St Louis where I think I might be the only permanent Coog in an hour’s drive.

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Minneapolis here

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Naperville, IL checking in!


Wyoming. Go Coogs!

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Agreed, passing thru Portland en route to Seattle in 2 wknds. Any delicious suggestions for a wayward, hungry Texan / fellow Coog fan?

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Traveling all week. Just got back into Georgetown, dinner, shower, recliner

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Nice town, I’m familiar with it.

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I have.


I was thoroughly disappointed when i checked out the SoCal group on the Alumni website. No new activities in ages.

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I will be watching at home in living color and high definition.

I considered going down to the basement and bringing up the old black and white tv since apparently color doesn’t matter any more.

Congrats on the new owner! Hopefully he can get a new stadium deal done. Next is a new GM and replace Paunović.

Falls Church, VA (near DC).

Started this thread Inn Springfield, MO and now back in Chicagoland.


Sunny Anacortes, WA, gateway to the San Juan Islands.


The announcer just pronounced Renu’s name wrong. Get out.

Enjoying the game from Reno, Nevada. Just got home from the air races. The Air Force Thunderbirds are in town for the air races.

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