POLL: Favorite UH Logo

Enough of these namby, pamby logo’s-we is coogs so let’s act like 'em! Now here is a sample logo that would go well.

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We already have that one


In '64 my old man gave me $150 cash each semester for tuition and fees for 15 hrs.
Books were on me and it was a free-for-all at the discount use books stores for the best underlined, highlighted, books. Guessing previous owner’s grade by not to much or not enough.


I still have a puffy jacket with that logo from the 90s!

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Me too. It’s a great one, but I’m biased towards it due to it being the logo when I was at UH.

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Yeah, me too.

Law school at UH 1994-1997.

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Do you guys remember the Jaguar alumni logo?

Not my favorite but the “Thundercats” logo is underrated.


I don’t think that it ever quite caught on though.


Riddle me this cougar fans

Definitely not a favorite of mine either, but I do like it.

Would look good on a polo or dri-fit athletic pullover or athletic zip-up.

Much, much better than the “Wetcat”.


I agree, also, I like it when we are referred to as Houston.

Sorry UH fans, but I’m not in favor of changing the logo one bit. The interlocking UH is UH, and it represents decades of sports history. Heck, we argue over skinny, fat, interlocking or not, outline, shading with the current logo. The Earth may tilt off its axis if we make a big change.


Too many negatives and small issues… The beveled logo didn’t show up well on certain materials or when it was too small. The secondary red was never consistent and all over the place depending on vendor. We had maroons and pinks and weird shades of red, nothing looked consistent.

Printing and setup costs went up, available merchandise partners who could actually print it went down, and fair or not… it boxed in our brand with Aggie and Tech - a place we did not want to be.

I don’t want the wet cat as our standard gear, but I think we should be able to buy gear of all our former logos.

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Nothing, absolutely nothing compare to:


That UH logo always reminded me of the old Atlanta Braves logo.



I have a belt buckle from James Avery with that logo. I got it at least 40 years ago.


Awesome. I was at the bookstore not too long ago I could not find a T-shirt or sweatshirt with it. I will look online on the school’s online store.