Pregame thread: Coogs vs SMU

I personally don’t like SMU and hope the coogs destroy the living crap out of that team. SMU can…


You’re not SMU material.

But the SMU 7/11 does have Grey Poupon.

“Coogros” might have been an early example of these peoples character. But most of them haven’t changed.

Allegations of racism at SMU go viral

Every time we play them i dream of dropping 100 on em.


Really hope we win 56-14.
I pick that because I feel like it is a score that could actually happen.

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let me guess…Lou Holtz

I think it’s hilarioua that they think Ed is overrated and hasn’t been effective because he doesn’t have a bunch of sacks from the DT position.


Dumb SMU fans. They should look at all his other stats. Plus he has had 3 Sacks in the last 2 games he has played. Look at TFL. You know ED remembers that embarrassment two years ago at SMU. If he plays I could see him destroying the SMU O-line.

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Is EO still day to day?

I really hope he does, but suspect they are thinking of resting him to be 100% for Temple.

Ed Oliver is just way overrated!!! All hype! He’s horrible at blitzing the QB and is easily shed from half of his attempted tackles. He was know to never give up on plays as freshman but not anymore. He’s just waiting for the NFL paycheck. Ig he plays he is not a concern. We just have to stop the Houston Offense. Their QB King is a real threat. Take him out!

This one cracked me up. Ed currently sits at 52 tackles for loss in his career, a record for any player from a Texas university, as well as an AAC career record, and tied with former Tennessee DL Derek Barnett for the most in NCAA history in a 3 year career. He won’t break Khalil Mack’s NCAA career record of 75, but to say he is overrated is comical.


all their comments are comical. What a fantasy world they have at smu.

The “take him out” comment speaks volumes of that persons moral character


Ed Oliver is just way overrated!!! All hype! He’s horrible at blitzing the QB and is easily shed from half of his attempted tackles. He was know to never give up on plays as freshman but not anymore. He’s just waiting for the NFL paycheck. Ig he plays he is not a concern. We just have to stop the Houston Offense. Their QB King is a real threat. Take him out!

Clearly crack has taken over the smoo campus. Since when does a DT blitz? And don’t keep reading, it gets worse from there. lol

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All I know is there’s no team on our schedule I hate losing to more than SMU. Some of the reasons have been stated above in the thread, but I’d rather lose to Rice than SMU. I’m normally a pretty sportsmanlike fan, but I wouldn’t feel bad if we dropped a boatload of points on their sorry bleeps. So, of course, I’m really worried about this game; I can’t forget that last debacle against them.

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That’s 2016. In 2015 we went to the Peach Bowl.

BUMP. Can you folks please find something else to chat about other than the CFP? SMooo is one of my most disliked team/school in the country. Talk about entitlement, that 's why I love to see them lose.

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Would it be un-sportsman like to take our frustration out on them?

Go for 60-0?

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Not a bit. They would have no problem doing the same all things equal (and the appropriate bribes and payoffs met). I’m sure they’ll get better as they figure out how to buy some players.

Why are you showing them mercy??


Hopefully the team (coaches and players) takes this snub to heart and puts up 80 on the ‘my little ponies’.

Sick of this BS.

We all know this is a beauty contest and dominating is the only way to show our superiority. Especially since we apparently are not good enough in the voter’s eyes.