Really? Come On Really?

An Epic Saga

That is actually pretty funny

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Yet Galloway was on his Sunday morning show complaining it’s not fair to the players about all the rumor mongering about Charlie Strong getting canned. But he’s okay discussing CTH’s future. Our players don’t matter to him.

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G5 players aren’t actually playing football. Nothing to worry about.


Ugh. Stick to the SEC, Finebaum.

Finebaum is an idiot. In the article he wrote for CBS Sports, he says (and I quote):

“The university of Texas can pony up a lot of money, but they may not be the only ones, this could go eight or nine million (a year), (Nick) Saban money,” Finebaum said during College Football Live. “Whatever Herman’s agent wants, he can get. Houston has no shot. Houston is not in the Big 12. There’s no reason for Herman to stay at Houston, you’re always going to be the outside man looking in.”

Unless he’s Herman’s agent or is Herman’s #1 confidante, I don’t know how he can say with a straight face that “Houston has no shot” or that “There’s no reason for Herman to stay at Houston.”

EDIT: Here is the link to Finebaum’s article. This is not for the purpose of giving him clicks, but rather to save it in a convenient place so we can throw back in his face when CTH decides to stay.


Hold on to that when CTH and co stay

Edited my post to include the link so we’ll all have it to throw back in his face at the appropriate time.

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Finebaym doesn’t have sources; he’s a Skip Bayless type that spouts crap to be controversial. Wouldnt worry about him.

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My fellow coogs remind moi of Capt. Renault from Casablanca …

Everyone is … “SHOCKED!!!” … and I am just laughing …

and waiting for Saturday morning and ON … when the poop will either hit the fan … or … get flushed down the commode.