Sideline HIt

Who was the guy on the UH sideline that put a shoulder into the Tech QB when he ran out of bounds. That guy should be dismissed from the program.


One of managers it looked like. Totally agree.


Stop. Tech QB ran right into him. It definitely looked worse before the replay.

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Yeah, that wasn’t good. I was worried about another penalty when i saw it.

Sure looked like he lowered his shoulder and then hit him with it. Also yelled at him afterwards.

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It is how I saw it as well, a team manager shouldn’t be trash talking to the opposition.

Lucky it wasn’t a penalty. Who was that anyway?

Pezman needs to make an example here as I doubt DH will do anything.

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This happens in every game. All across the country.

Donovan Smith ran right into him. He lowered his shoulder to ease the blow for him. What would you do? Let him run you over?


It was a defensive move
6’5” running at you
you Karan’s need to chill