Six things Tom Herman and Houston swiped from Urban Meyer
The first two bears (pardon the pun) striking resemblance to Bear Bryant’s Junction Texas training … though not as hellish.
Very “basic training” militaryish thinking. Has worked for years.
I hope folks read this article. It’s the complete battle-tested blueprint on how to build a champion. What strikes me about it (and I heard it from William Jackson III too), is how much harder our workouts are than Pro football. That’s very telling. Everything is built on the team, family, and the lack of coddling.
We beat Florida State – which on paper had superior talent. – because of this training and mentality.
And now we have the results to prove the method works. We’re going to need that full buy-in immediately if we want to be OU.
The article talks about how this methodology allows for even better year 2’s. So I hope that this holds true for us.
Yeah, I meant that hard work and focus on culture produces wins. But that year 2 thing too.
I get the sense the team is going to be fully ready to play. I think having Oklahoma the first game is an advantage.