How did the end section beside the TT bench get 1/3 full of TT fans? I thought our arena is sold out for the season (presumably, by Coog fans).
People probably sold them their tickets
How many tickets are blocked for opponents?
We have too many fans that chose to sell their tickets. Find a UH friend to use them. Sigh. Add in ticket brokers buying tickets. If you sell 5+ games, should get booted from your season tickets and let the people on the waiting list who want to go to games buy them. If there is no waiting list, sure free for all.
I don’t think there are blocked seats for opponents in BB like there are for FB. The main problem is season tickets being purchased by brokers.
Also, in my section there are hubby and wife (U of H grads) season ticket holders, that attend most games or seats are empty, but not very often. Tonight, there were two TT fans in their seats. I just don’t understand U of H grads and season ticket holders selling to opponents. However, I do understand you can do whatever you want with your tickets.
Also in my section a guy has four or six season tickets and the seats are always used by U of H fans. Tonight this MFer brings two TT fans that were typical TT fans. Obnoxious and degrading towards U of H. If I was 50 years younger, I might have told the season ticket holder to stuff his TT fans up his part of the body where the sun doesn’t shine.
Whoever the donor is that let the Tech guy in the Hawaiian shirt sit in his seats under the basket closest to our bench should have his tickets revoked.
We have too many Coogs who are either related or friends with Tech/UT/A&M fans.
I saw so many cars of Coogs and Tech fans carpooling together when I was in the blue lot.
While I don’t necessarily disagree they are no different then the “fans” in 110-116 selling their tix
Bottom line is that TeeTee has lots of alums in the Houston area and aren’t afraid to buy on the secondary market.
I also wonder how many Tech students have parents and grandparents who went to UH.
I think we would all be shocked
I get it, but that guy was a jackass from tip to buzzer, talking smack to our players from courtside. We can’t allow that. Ban him from the arena and take away the tickets from the guy that gave them to him.
This is the biggest issue. Tech doesn’t have to worry about this because no alums from other schools are gonna move to Lubbock, it’s a sh1thole with no jobs. Meanwhile we are in a city packed with alumni from every school in the country.
I never seen us have this issue with TCU, SMU, or Baylor fans but this is always an issue the Horns, Aggies, and Tech.
I can understand taking older relatives since you don’t have to worry about them making noise but make the ones that aren’t retired to pay market price lol.
Well those are small private schools
When you say small privates, are you talking about the schools or the students?
This is the guy you could see on camera multiple times barking at our players. At least twice moving towards the court finger pointing. No other school would put up with that.
At some point, if your family lives in Texas long enough you will have relatives or generations after you ending up at other in-state schools.
Sure we all do. But it boils down we simply don’t get many generational students.
But we have discussed that over and over.
Exactly. Whoever owns those seats should be getting a call from Eddie Nunez first thing tomorrow morning delivering the bad news
As a season ticket holder, I try to sell my tickets to UH fans first to games I can’t attend. I’ve found that, more often than not, UH fans don’t want to pay market prices for tickets. I pay a lot for my season tickets which I’m glad to do to support the athletics programs. If I can’t sell my tickets to UH fans. I put them on the secondary market, and I don’t feel bad for it.
Market value, lol.