Southwest Companion Pass

So, if anyone is interested in getting themselves a Southwest “companion pass” that allows one companion to fly with you for free basically (only like $5.60 each way) though Feb 2026! …get a SW Visa through this link and spend $4k in the first 3 months. You’ll get 30K miles too…and I’ll get some as well for the referral.

I wouldn’t normally post something like this but I’ve never seen this deal before. Sometimes they offer the companion pass for a month or two but never seen a year (unless you earn it by flying 135K miles).

Anywhoo…here’s the link…

So all you have to do to get the pass is spend $4,000 in three months?? :rofl::rofl:

Might have to look into that. Depends when football tickets are renewable.

Paying car insurance next month to help hit my companion pass goal. For the next month or two they’re giving double points for insurance purchases.

I rarely use cash. Does anyone anymore?

I used to use my debit card a lot but switched to CC’s so I could take advantage of points. I pay them off each month in full, on time, and never pay interest.

It’s actually quite easy to hit 4K in three months without any special purchases that way. Add in any large purchase and it’s really easy.


My credit card bills are more than that every month. I put everything I can on my credit cards every month and pay them off.


I use my debit card for everything. I know I’m missing out on a ton of points, but my heart can’t take the shock of seeing the bill at the end of the month.