Super Bowl

I see a major difference between adults dropping their pants countless times during the commercial and a cartoon with bears with toilet paper. Do you?

I was about to say; I turn my head every time those bears come on my tv.

My all-time favorite Super Bowl commercial:

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By the by completely ignored in media stories was the missed PAT by S.F.

With 6 seconds left in regulation the score was 19-16 so The Chiefs kicked a game-tieing FG.

But by hitting that PAT the score would have been 20-16. With 6 seconds left The Chiefs would have to go for a TD. Maybe they score, and win the game. Maybe they don’t and S.F. wins.

The kicking game always is important. As evidenced last night.

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Between the missed XP, the muffed punt, and the KC kicker hitting a SB record long FG, special teams definitely decided the game.

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What these three generational QBs have in common is none of them led their teams to championships while in college.

“… but in 2024”

Yah I realize that but Brady and Rodgers still led great teams in college. Mahomes teams were mediocre in comparison. So his rise imo was far less expected.

Difference being Sister Jean is a nun while Swift is a music industry starlet.

They also had a muffed punt return. Special teams cost the 9ers last night, the main two units did their job

Chiefs scored on their first play after the muffed punt.

S.F. could have won the game 20-9.

Special teams. Gotta have them.

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brady led a great team in college…i thougnt he was a back up and that cal team rodgers lead palted defense.

Michigan won the Orange Bowl Brady’s last year they didn’t win a natty but they didn’t suck like Tech did with Mahomes.

What? Lol

sorry dude i mesnt mahomes was excellent at tech…they had literally the worst defenses in college football. Im sorry you cant win games when your defense gives 40-45 points each game. One of the games i remember them losing against OU was 66-60. They would consistently lose games like and 48-41 etc. You cant blame the qb for that.


Ahh gotcha. Fair points.

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i could have done without a shirtless Usher on roller skates.

14 songs is impressive.

And Ursher [sic] got married last night after the game.
