Surge of Support

Openly discussing access to PUF.

During the next legislative session in 2023, UH intends to ask the state for a $1 billion permanent endowment that would provide the University, depending on investment returns, an additional $40 million to $50 million a year.


Dam I hope this happens

If we were debating this issue of the fairness of the puff, UT and A$M could not defend it. It’s indefensible.


Hoping the state does grant that endowment money


This would be massive for UH, while it’s not a 1/3 PUF split it’s still a huge addition to funding. An extra $50 million/year would help alleviate a lot of the funding issues with maintenance, staff wages (helping professor turnover/recruiting), building construction/upkeep, student scholarships, etc. UH definitely has been hurting on the building upkeep and infrastructure side of things.

Although, I do think we should be striving to get a larger state-funded endowment so we could match up better funding-wise with the two PUF universities in the state. Because right now I think TAMU gets around $122 million and UT gets around $360 million/$162 million (depends on if its system or Austin, the 360 figure might be just Austin alone). This would make up 4% of our operating budget in 2021 vs 12% (360 figure) of UT Austin’s budget in 2021. While I’m hoping we can get this endowment passed and established, we should be and are pushing to equal the playing field.

Anyway, this is great news and I’m in full support of this getting passed. Hope we can grow this endowment like they do the PUF, because growing this on top of UH’s already skyrocketing $1 billion university endowment would allow it to flourish unlike ever before.


Who do i have to talk to to raise it beyond 1 billion.

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I was thinking the same…should shoot for 10% or 2.4 billion of the PUF.
Does Greg take your calls ?

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It’s hit or miss. Usually chick fil a does the trick

This would be a great idea.