Forgot about it lol
OP has some good info for attending. Before I had reserved parking, I used the Doxology church and it was really well run. Also not mentioned is Paschall High School. About a $20 fee I think that goes to the high school. It has a shuttle but can also be walked. The high school would give a chance to walk across the university campus for those interested in seeing it. Also lots of small restaurants and eating places between there and the campus for those that want to see how the place was built up for a student entertainment area.
I am thinking about hitting the TX distillery before the game. Also in the area (north of campus) are several very nice art museums and the FW zoo.
Depending on where you are parking: If Doxology on west side, take 20 west to Hulen exit and go north. If the east side of campus, take 35W north to the Berry St exit and go west from there.
287 comes out on 20 in FW/Arlington border.
Hwy 6 to Waco and you are coming in on 35W (watch the 35 split - 35W is FW and 35E is Dallas)
Sadly it’s not worth the gas money.
Hated to leave the conference bb tournament when we moved to Big 12. Spent a week there a couple of years ago. Attended the Memphis final BB game, then headed to FW for a weeks visit. Love the city.