I’m shocked that TT is posting on social media. I didn’t know they could spell.
Emojis make it easy, it’s cave painting for the 21st century.
I find Tech fans to be on par with Memphis fans as far as classlessness.
They truly have some trashy fans and really have zero reason to be….maybe it’s because it’s a place that is unappealing to 97% of the general population….mostly it’s just jealousy over the success of our program.
They were talking trash long before winning….its “Houston High” ,” Coog High”, etc. All the time over there……very few have basketball IQ or respect.
I have no f__ks to give about what anyone says about us. Just not worth wasting time on it.
Why do they need to come to our city to work. Aren’t there enough Burger Kings in Lubbock?
Preach on brother!
Trash talk is low class regardless of who does it.
When they go low, I get high…
I did not know they had wifi in trailer parks in Lubbock . . . . .
Their trash talk is about as meaningful as a pimple on a bull’s tit or a turd popping out of a mosquito’s ass.
We’re in first. They’re not.
I have traveled to 26 states and many cities. Lubbock was the absolute worst place ever. I honestly don’t know why someone would live there.
Been thru Lubbock twice. It wasn’t better the second time. However, they do have some nice looking females on their campus just as we do. The difference is: We are in Houston where there is a ton of “STUFF” to do and enjoy and Lubbock doesn’t have any of that. It truly is an ugly town but at least it’s a college town. I’ve been to Ames, Iowa and it was pit compared to Houston of course. But it is a college town. I went to North Texas U in Denton, it was a college town. So, it has it’s college ambience. It has nothing compared to Houston. JMHO
and shot better form the FT line, 66.7% to 70.5%. That is only a few points but when you lose by 1 point, every point counts.