That was a statement by Golda Meir, but it’s generally nonsense. The briefest Google search will give you the answers you seek. If it makes you feel better to say it, I’m not gonna stop you. Heck, here’s a reaction to the quote on Wikipedia:
Who enforces any right to exist?
The UN General Assembly and Security Council has passed numerous resolutions on this over the years but the US keeps unilaterally vetoing them. Talk is cheap. Watch what they do not what they say as Rachel Maddow says.
Something is clearly wrong here.
You probably want to rethink that comparison. Israel did do something different.
Germany invaded, took land and was forced to give it back.
Israel invaded, took land and kept it. They’ve since taken more.
Apples to oranges.
No, it was always the ARAB nations that attacked or massed for attack on Israel. Israel never invaded anybody, except maybe Lebanon, and Israel didn’t keep that territory.
It was ARABS that were the invaders/attackers/first aggressors in 1948, 1967, 1973, and on 10/7.
Just like Germany was in WWII.
Germany, when they invaded and attacked their neighbors, and got their butts kicked, PERMANENTLY lost territory as a result.
Same for the Arabs against Israel, and rightfully so!
For that matter, it was Arabs that invaded the area in the 600s AD. Jews were there centuries before them.
No one insists that Germany’s neighbors give that land back. That’s Germany’s punishment for being the aggressors/attackers/invaders, and rightfully so.
It should be the same for Israel with regard to their Arab attackers/invaders/aggressors. The Arab world should likewise permanently lose that land as punishment for their aggression.
The only reason that isn’t a given with Israel is most likely anti-Semitism. Otherwise, why is a different standard being applied to Israel as opposed to, let’s say, Germany’s neighbors?
Makes no sense.
This is a accurate as those red/blue maps showing how much land Republicans control.
Palestinians are not a distinct people. They are Arabs exactly same culturally and linguistically as Jordanians or Egyptians.
The Kurds on the other hand are a completely separate and distinct culture. They don’t have a homeland and are subjected to repeated attempts of ethnic cleansing by Arab states.
If we want to hold protests for the establishment of a Kurdish homeland, I will join in.
You would be completely wrong in your blanket statement. Do you have any Palestinian friends? If you did, I doubt you would say something so simplistic.
A basic Wikipedia article on Palestinians is more honest than your assessment. It’s talking points 101. Have you had even one honest talk with any Palestinian (or whatever you choose to call them while taking away their identity) about any of this? There are many in Houston. Your comments are dehumanizing, which makes it easier to not see suffering on both sides.
And you would not join in a Kurdish protest. Why would you? Do you have a history of this sort of thing?
We can hate Hamas and all they stand for without resorting to this nonsense.
As long as the Palestinians have a government that is a terrorist organization with one goal in mind and that’s to kill every Jew and wipe Israel off the map then no Israel does NOT “have to accept Palestine’s right to their own government”.
Honestly, it’s pretty mind boggling to me how many people feel like they’re experts in this space.
I guess that’s true for just about everything though. People speak in such absolutes about things that it’s highly unlikely they really understand or have real experience with.
If you are Jewish or have ethnic ties to Palestine, or perhaps are within a demographic of marginalized people, then i think it’s fair to give them some rope for having a bit of bias. It’s just human nature I think.
If you aren’t Jewish, have no ties to ethnic Palestine, then I agree, you can’t really be an expert in the subject because the conflict is incredibly complicated and nuanced.
I am neither Jewish or have ethnic ties to Palestine (am Hispanic), but I try to see both sides from a moral perspective. I think both sides have good and ugly, regardless of who anyone thinks who did what first.
Ultimately, I have no choice but to support the interest of the United States, and as of now, the United States supports Israel overwhelmingly more than Palestine for logical reasons.
Essentially, anytime soneone shows any remorse or empathy for Palestinians, pro-Israel advocates will quick to justify anything that’s considered immoral with a “but they did so and so first” or “well they should stop voting terroritsts” etc…
At the same time, pro-Palestine supporters will return fire by saying things like “Well tell Israel to stop the genocide” etc…
Each side is just a cycle of responses over and over again to no end.
The problem with this rhetoric is that before Hamas was voted in, Gaza was still a s**thole. They lacked basic necessaties and still faced death by the IDF. The age demographic in Gaza is quite young for a reason.
When Gaza voted for Hamas, it was really just out of sheer desperation. And when human beings suffer, they make decisions that may appear irrational to others (such as Americans, most of whom don’t really have to worry about the very things that people in Gaza have to worry about on a daily basis unless you are at or below the poverty line)
It’s the Internet age we’re all experts all the time about everything and our opinions are as valid as people who have been doing things for years.
Yes I do as a matter of fact.
A “Palestinian” is an Arab that happened to live in an area that for a short time was called Palestine.
It is no different than Spanish speaking people living in New Mexico. They aren’t a separate people called New Mexicans and deserving of a homeland.
That’s not true whatsoever, but go ahead.
There has never been an independent Palestinian state let alone a nation that created a distinct and separate people.
It is made up. For a millennia they were considered arabs.
They were Ottomans and there was no Israel, for a long time. History
No doubt and before the ottomans there were the byzantines and before that the crusaders and before that the Romans …. On and on…
But at one time it was the home of the Jewish people. The world decided that the Jewish people deserved a homeland again. That land is Israel.
Even the PLO knew there wasn’t a people called Palestinians. They underlined Palestinian for tactical reasons. Their purpose was arab control of the area.
Palestinian = New Mexican.
But no one denies that there was a historical nation named Israel that existed for at least hundreds if not thousands of years in that location.
I don’t think that you could say the same about any “Palestine.”
As for the Ottoman Empire, sure. It existed. But the Palestinians aren’t Ottomans or even Turks.
They are ARABS.
There are already plenty of Arab states.
Palestine equals recognized by the world community.
If you talk to a Palestinian they say they are Palestinian