UH Hilton School student competes on 'Chopped'

UH Hilton School student competes on ‘Chopped’
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Sunday night, Henderson will be a contestant on “Chopped,” the Food Network game show on which chefs must take three to five weird, totally unrelated “mystery ingredients” and combine them into one creative, tasty dish. The basket might contain, say, suckling goat, broccoli, farro and cheddar-filled pretzels.

Henderson made it to the Final:


In fact, the left tackle says he was offered a full ride to UH, either to play football or to play the bass trombone.

Henderson said no to both, making his parents pretty mad.

He ended up at UH in culinary arts. Henderson took second place on “Chopped.” He found the way to investors’ pocketbooks was through their stomachs. Henderson sealed the deal by cooking them the Titanic’s last supper.