White. It’s a school color

White out vs Baylor February 10th.


How about we just win out.


Y’all are so stupid caring about colors lol.

Y’all want the whole city behind the program the baby blue will do that.

Think big.


I don’t understand. Are you going to wear blue to a white out game?

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Is that a serious question?

The title of the thread is clearly a potshot at the blue uniforms. The blue is a City of Houston color. Lots of people complain about the school wearing blue. Astros have worn it, rockets have worn it, UH fans get all bent out of shape over it. The first time we wore them in football I had multiple friends from Houston that didn’t go to UH comment on how awesome they were. If it can unite the city even just a little tiny bit, including those not natural fans of UH, why the hell would we not try to expand our base?

Are these fans as tied to the University as many of us are? Of course not. However, is having more fans, even if less dedicated, a bad thing?