Wikipedia - "Cougar H***"

Yeah true. Also, the acceptance rate alone doesn’t tell you much. Just that maybe some schools are more attractive than others. I’m sure location factors into that

Also, just because you are accepted, does not mean you stay. Many fail out early and go elsewhere.

Cougar High.


Great moments in Coog history.

Based on what happened in Hawaii, Graham could have used a little something to soften his edges.

Based on College Simply data.


Every student enrolled at WVU is a legacy.


71000! Wow.

The four incoming programs are the four most selective universities in the future conference. According to that list.


Are you saying that we raised their academic standards?


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I thought UH’s enrollment was in the 48,000 range? At least I always see it listed that way.

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Underrated post

I was similarly confused. The number there matches our undergrad enrollment.

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Probably a fat finger on my part on the total populations, that’s from Google. Not the site (testing scores and admission data came from the site).

The cows and the farmers always have the most and always do the least.


He hasn’t posted since 09/21. What happened to Delmarred?

I don’t know. But he made a cougar High shirt back in the day.

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Truer words have never been spoken!

He’s doing ok, I saw him at a couple of football games last season.

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